We all need sleep for our bodies to function properly. Sleep helps to regulate the body and assists it to ‘recharge’ mentally, physically, emotionally, and behaviourally.
Children are no different, and do require more sleep than adults. It is recommended that children get 11 - 13 hours of sleep over a 24 hour period.
However many children experience sleep troubles; especially at bedtime. Some children just don’t like to sleep. Some are too ‘wired to sleep’ at bedtime.
Getting your child ready for bed with a bedtime routine can help. You will want to strive for a calm, quiet routine before bed!
It’s recommended that children begin a routine 30 minutes before their expected “lights out”. This prepares their mind, and their body, to slowly ‘shut down’ in preparation for sleep.
Here are 6 steps to get your child ready for bed!
Give your child a bath (or sponge bath)
Water helps to sooth a child, and will make them sleepy. Calm baths, (especially with a drop of lavender essential oil in the water) will assist your child in slowing down.
Have your child get in their pajamas
Have your child dress in warm, soft pajamas that are not scratchy.
Have your child brush their teeth
You will probably want to set a time limit, and inspect the pearly whites, when they are done
Have your child go to the bathroom
Going to bed with an empty bladder will lessen the amount of times your child will need to get up in the night.
Cuddle with your child on their bed
Pick out 2-3 books; then cuddle on their bed, reading to them. They will love the attention. If you're tired, you can choose short, quick books to read to your child. Instead of reading you can tell them an imaginary story! Or sing some quiet lullabies to your child.
Allow your child to look at books
When you're finished reading, let your child know you will return at ‘8:00’ to turn their lights out, but you will let them quietly read on their own until then. Give your child a small stack of books (3-5). You can let your child draw or colour too, if they are not ‘readers’.
Do you have multiple children? Stagger their routine! And you don’t have to bathe everyone on the same night!
Keep the bedtime routine the same, for everyone. Consistency is key! Remember what was mentioned above is only a recommendation. Add prayer time. Have your child brush their teeth before their bath. Whatever way you choose to create a bedtime routine: keep it simple, keep it consistent.
Bonus: 2 Things To Avoid At Bedtime
There are a couple things that doctors recommend children (and adults) avoid at bedtime. Avoiding these will help you, or your child sleep better.
No screen time
That means no tv, no movies, no PlayStation or hand held games, no cell phone or tablets… Screen time stimulates the mind and emotions. You want to relax, not get ‘worked up’ or ‘woke up’ before bed.
Everyone likes a bedtime snack, but try to avoid having drinks with your snack. As this will create a habit of getting up to use the bathroom. Avoid drinking liquids at least 45 minutes before you start your bedtime routine. CAUTION: Some foods give nightmares. For me, it’s anything dairy. If I eat cheese, ice cream, have milk, … at least 3 hours before going to bed, I am plagued with nightmares all night long. Know what foods trigger nightmares in your child, and avoid them before bed.