Do you take time out of your day to spend one on one with each of your children?
Yeah, I get it! Work. Household responsibilities. Interacting with our spouse. Grocery shopping. Self care. Mowing the lawn. Shoveling the sidewalk. Making meals. Children’s extra curricular sports programs. Whew, our adult time is already full. I’m ready for a nap just thinking of it all.
However, interacting with our child is so important. Our time with our children factors into their lives in such a big way. Believe it or not, it teaches our children about themselves (like self esteem, feelings of being loved and wanted, and their position within the family). That sounds crazy right?
When my son was little, I felt the same way. I was busy with so many other things that adults have to do. But you know, when I took 15 minutes out of my day to play tag outside or ‘play hockey’ in the basement, it rejuvenated me. Actually that 15 minutes of my plan usually ended up becoming 30+ minutes. And I’ve never regretted it!
Laughing and having fun secretes hormones into our body that relieves stress. Spending my time with my son helped me to refocus. And it gave us both memories that we still talk about today.
Interacting with your child is so important. There are lots of activities you can do that don’t cost anything extra (like going for a walk, park play, picnics, baking, playing with toys, reading, ...) but it will mean the world to your child!. Listening to them speak. Asking questions about what they say. Giving a hug. Sharing a smile!
Don’t forget to check out our previous Lending Library post about Mommy and Me Time.
Wee Beginnings Nursery School: "Mommy and Me Time" (