Tuesday, 24 February 2015


Because Children attend different sessions, Wee Beginnings does not have a strict regiment of lessons (meaning (ex) numbers and letters are only taught on Mondays, colours and shapes are only taught on Tuesdays...)
Each Program's schedule is flexible to ensure all children receive instruction in each area of the curriculum.
Our lessons are not taught using workbooks.  Wee Beginnings has active lessons, meaning children are involved physically, as well as intellectually (cognitively).  Children will be playing games, singing songs, hearing stories, using manipulatives, doing cut and paste, crafts....to learn the specific objective of the lesson.

Lessons will include
  • numbers
  • letters
  • colours
  • shapes
  • opposites / placements
  • sequencing
  • patterns
  • various concepts (such as sorting/matching, grouping; categorizing; ....etc....)
  • virtues / manners

Our Toddler Program may not consist of all the above lessons; please see the Toddler Program page for more specifics.