Our beginnings Circle Times may consist of
- attendance
- calendar
- weather discussion
- group games (like 'ring-around-the-rosey' or theme related)
- fine motor / finger plays (like 'eensey, weensy, spider', or theme related)
- songs (like 'ABC's' or theme related)
- exercises
Also on other selected days, children can choose an item from our box of 'sillies', to play group games, fine motor, or songs.
Both our Toddler and Preschool Programs also have a closing circle. In the Toddler's closing circle, The teacher will read a short story, and lead a short discussion (to help with reading comprehension and story sequencing) before singing our good-bye song.
In our Preschool Program, the closing circle will be one of the following, and our good-bye song.
- story
- virtue lesson
- 'Brain Food' (this consists of games that have open ended questions, and games that strengthen creativity and imagination in children)
- Gross Motor Activities
For more specifics regarding what is involved in the Toddler or Preschool Program's Circle Time, see the specific Program's page.