During play time, Wee Beginnings offers an art / craft to children. There are a few reasons for this:
(1) some children will spend all day doing crafts or artsy stuff; but there are children who don't like doing any type of artsy stuff. Whether this is because they don't like the feel of some of the material used or because they feel discouraged or inadequate, they don't even try. In this area of the curriculum, Wee Beginnings feels it is your child's choice to do arts and crafts.
(2) There will always be a variety of art or crafts to choose from; Wee Beginnings will encourage and entice children to try. These choices could be a few of the following: different easel experiences; weaving; stencils; stamping; tracing; lacing; colouring; molding; gluing; painting (with different objects, including fingers); collaging; taping; ....
(3) Sometimes an art or craft is used to to introduce or to experience a type of medium artists use, or just to try.
(4) And, some art or craft may not necessarily be theme, or lesson related. These types of art or craft will not necessarily be individual in nature, but group related, as children explore, experience and share ideas with each other.
Always be enthusiastic about your child's Art. Art is an interpretation of their creativity, their imagination and a way to express themselves. Using open ended questions, ask your child about their art (maybe even write it down on a separate paper, or on the back). Display their art on the fridge, to show your child that you are proud of what they have done.