Sunday, 5 May 2024

Parents Need Sleep Too!


Do you find yourself constantly woken up too early in the mornings by your little ones?

Getting adequate sleep is crucial for both children and parents alike. For parents of young children, finding ways to ensure YOU get enough rest can be challenging. 

Try incorporating a pre-breakfast snack into your morning routine - it might be a helpful solution.

Consider giving your child a pre-breakfast snack to tide them over until you're ready to wake up; or at least until the coffee is made. Depending on their ages, you can organize this by color-coding containers or writing their names on them. For example, Suzy might have a red container, Amy a green one, and Duncan a yellow one. Inside these containers, place a snack-size portion of cereal, cut up fruit, or a muffin. 

Before you go to sleep, place the containers on your bedside table for easy access when you're still half asleep in the morning.

If your kiddos don’t already have this, consider adding a basket of toys in their room to keep them occupied while you catch a few extra minutes of sleep, especially on weekend mornings. 

By providing them with something to engage their attention, and something to snack on, you can buy yourself some additional time to rest before starting your day.