Monday, 17 May 2021

Potty Time!

 Are you struggling to Potty Train your child?   

Your not alone!   MANY of us parents struggle with that milestone in our child's life.   We hear "consistency" and "sticker chart" and other words and ideas but no one understands the frustration you feel with your child.   Every family and situation is unique.   Don't let it get the best of you.   Don't give up!

Wee Beginnings Nursery School has several books that discuss ways, techniques and ideas that could help make this time easier for both you and your child.

These books are:
No Cry Potty Solutions    by Elizabeth Pantley
What to expect ... the 2nd year    by Heidi Murkoff & Sharon Mazel   (currently out on loan)
Canada's Toddler Care Book    by Dr. Jeremy Friedmore

Check them out!  

The more informed we are, the better we become!