Saturday, 23 November 2019

Laying the Learning Foundation

There may be times when you think  "Why are they doing that?"     LOL, no worries, you're probably not the only one to think that!  

Our lessons are built like steps.  The first lesson needs to be the foundation before more learning can take place.   The better the foundation, the more success your child will achieve in their future school 'career'.

For example you can't expect a child to pick up a pair of scissors and know how to cut on a line perfectly.   Children need to learn, and practice and continue to strengthen the open/close movement of the hand before they can begin to use scissors.
Then practice, practice, practice, before their ability improves enough to open and close the scissors.   What other steps are involved?   Holding the scissors correctly.   Eye/hand co-ordination.   Speed.   Each of these require steps they must learn before accuracy can be accomplished enough to cut on a line; and even then it's still 'choppy' (pardon the pun!!)

Why do I lay a foundation and build skills?   I guess it's my own school experience, combined with my education.   I have an equivalent to an ECE3 (from out of province), and four years of Child Psychology (diploma received).  And I have over 20 years experience.

I love what I do!   I love the challenge of breaking down a skill into manageable steps for all children, but allowing each child to take those steps in their time!