Sunday, 4 February 2024

5 Reasons We Have Circle Times


Circle Times are a great way to start and end the day.   Having Circle Times provides teachers with a way to connect with the children, both as individuals and as a group, as well as ways to teach areas of the curriculum that can be difficult to do in other ways.  Here are 5 Reasons We Have Circle Times 

#1. Circle Time provides a way to do calendar, & weather skills development.  These skills are essential in ‘big’ school.  Children are learning progression (yesterday, today, & tomorrow), Order  (seasons, days of the week, months of the year, weather, …) Counting (days of the week and month) & patterns (weather, seasons, calendar dates… ).  It also gives teachers a chance to recognize children who have birthdays!  

#2. Circle Time provides a way to have story time.  Being able to sit quietly in a group without touching someone else or talking, but sitting and listening, are skills children need to have in ‘big’ school.  Children at this age can’t sit very long though, so teachers need to be aware of each child’s attention span and choose books accordingly.  This gives all students success at learning these skills and building on them.    

#3. Circle Times provide ways to do singing and gross motor skills development.   Most children like singing and times when they can be active.  Sometimes we bring out our musical instruments for children to explore the sense of sound.  Singing and saying poems or nursery rhymes are a great way to develop language & pre-reading skills.

#4. Circle Time provides ways to do big group lessons.  When preschool teachers want to teach a new skill to children, or introduce a new area of the classroom, circle time is the best time to do this.  We teach children in a fun, active way that inspires all children to participate.  

#5. Circle Times provide ways for children to share.  Children like to talk about what is happening with them, and sometimes they do it at inopportune times.  When children know they get a chance to share what’s happening, less interrupting happens. Circle Times gives children a chance to express and discuss all their exciting new adventures.      

BONUS #6.  Circle Times also provides a way for children to practise their social and emotional skills, like patience, taking turns, being kind, and developing empathy towards others.